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Earthbound Music is FANTASTIC - Dusty Gamebox Interviews EP 2


Retro Video Game Nostalgia

Earthbound Music is FANTASTIC - Dusty Gamebox Interviews EP 2

Koichi Donovan Nakai (Don)

Earthbound music has been known to evoke so much emotion and bring back deep childhood memories. In this episode we continue our conversation with Evan Butler, Director of the documentary “Mother to Earth.” He recounts his experience with Keiichi Suzuki, a talented musician that poured his heart and soul in the creation of that timeless Earthbound sound.


For more information about this documentary, be sure to follow the "Mother to Earth" team on Twitter


Check out their website for cool merch and to preorder your copy!


Learn more about Keiichi Suzuki here:


Music Remix credit: Battle Against A Weird Opponent / Buzz Buzz's Prophecy (Earthbound) remix