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Retro Video Game Nostalgia

Stroopwafel United Airlines

Koichi Donovan Nakai (Don)


Nothing like a good ole United Airlines Stroopwafel in the mornin’. Cool chewy caramel in the center, sweet crispy waffle on the outside... it’s like that warm Summer’s blanket left out in the sun after you’ve been in air conditioning all day. Comforting in every respectable way.

As soon as the Stroopwafel lands on my tray table, I rip open the packaging and take two savory bites. I then restrain myself from taking any more bites and wait patiently for the drink cart to inch it’s way to my row.

“Would you like something to drink?” Asks the flight attendant

“Yes please, I am very thirsty.”

Stroopwafel is an excellent companion to a cup of black United Airlines Coffee. I usually have enough waffle left for one quick dip and a gobble. I am sad when there is no more Stroopwafel and I often find myself eying half eaten waffles sitting on the tray tables of my neighboring passengers. I think they think I am trying to watch their movie on their phone... but no... I am actually just wishing to eat their Stroopwafel.

Some people are blinded by their screens these days. Endless scrolling, watching seasons and seasons of moving pictures. These people are looking for joy and fulfillment on their tablets and “smart” phones, yet they have no idea what is sitting right in front of them. I’m screaming inside “Would you put your phone down for just one second and finish eating that Stroopwafel!? It’s killing me!”

The flight attendant is now making her rounds with trash collection. Unlike the beverage cart, the trash cart moves down the aisle faster than a Nascar Racer who needs to use the restroom on the last lap of a Daytona 500.

“I’ll take that for you”

Says The flight attendant as she swiftly cleans up everyone’s mess and half eaten Stroopwafel. Noooooo...

End of Blog post.