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Retro Video Game Nostalgia

Filtering by Category: Toy

Prince Poo of Dalaam

Koichi Donovan Nakai (Don)


Crown Prince Poo of Dalaam. He fights with his fists, unless you can score the Sword of Kings- a rare 1/128 drop from The Starman Super in the factory area of the Stonehenge Base. I remember it took me all afternoon to to get that sword...


Prince Poo with the waterlogue app effect

Prince Poo with the waterlogue app effect

Mario Kart

Koichi Donovan Nakai (Don)

Mario Kart- I love garage sales, I spend every Saturday morning 8am - 11am garage sale shopping. I like digging into junk toy boxes to find little gems like this. I found 2 Mario kart racers for, each for 25 cents. 
